Strategic planning and development to future Good Hope School | year: 2012 | status: concept | type: Education | team: Annette Chu, Wendy Hui, Tommy Yeung and Gabriel Lee
During our site visit, we observed the landscape formed by the Good Hope girls - how they moved from a room to external space, and to another room. They chatted, discussed, shared, talked to each other, ate... various activities happened outside the classrooms where formal teaching was conducted.
It was a very beautiful picture.
At the same time we saw inconvenience and struggle. The campus was built in three phrases, and now, except the lawn outside the library, the remaining outdoor spaces are these interstitial spaces between blocks, escape routes and external staircases.
Inspired by the intrinsic contrasts of old and new; indoor and outdoor; quiet and active; formal and informal territories of the existing school campus, the idea for a new landscape penetrating and connecting the different blocks of building emerged, and we named it the SOCIAL LANDSCAPE